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    Sports Performance Coaching

    Elevate your game to new heights with our Sports Performance Coaching, where we blend expert physical training with cutting-edge sports psychology. Under the guidance of our skilled coach, Jeff Muyres –  ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) in Health and Wellness, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), and Certified Sports Psychology Coach (CSPC) by the Spencer Institute – we’re here to unlock your full athletic potential.

    “Your limits are only defined by your vision.”

    Our programs go beyond traditional training, focusing on the holistic development of our clients. Whether you’re a teenager aiming for the varsity team or an adult striving to surpass personal records, our tailored approach is designed to help you overcome mental barriers, boost your confidence, and achieve peak performance.

    Our Services Include:

    • Sports Performance Training: Customized training plans focusing on improving your strength, speed, and endurance to enhance your athletic performance across the board.
    • Mental and Emotional Fitness Coaching: Techniques to strengthen not just your body, but your mind and spirit too, through effective visualization, motivation, and focus strategies.
    • Mindset Development: We help build a positive attitude, resilience, and mental toughness, crucial for facing challenges and bouncing back stronger from setbacks.
    • Overcoming Mental Blocks: Our coaching provides strategies to conquer negative thoughts and mental barriers, clearing the path for your success.
    • Confidence and Resilience Building: Through targeted exercises and coaching, we aim to elevate your self-belief and resilience, ensuring you feel confident and unstoppable.

    Ideal for Teens and Adults

    Creative Family Counseling and Coaching’s sports performance coaching is designed to cater to athletes at all levels. We understand the unique challenges faced by both teens and adults in sports and are committed to providing the support and guidance needed to overcome these challenges and excel.

    Transformative Results Await

    • Peak Performance Achievement: With our comprehensive approach, reach new heights in your athletic performance and personal growth.
    • Sharper Focus: Master the art of concentration, keeping your mind clear and decisive even under intense pressure.
    • Enhanced Athletic Abilities: Benefit from sports performance training tailored specifically to your needs and goals.
    • Unshakeable Confidence and Resilience: Build the confidence to face any challenge and the resilience to overcome obstacles.
    • Positive Mindset Shift: Transform negative thoughts into a positive, forward-moving mindset.

    Ready to Take Your Performance to the Next Level? 

    It’s not just about better performance; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself, in sports and in life. Contact Coach Jeff today to start your journey towards peak performance. Call 770-718-6373